Expand description
Matter controller library
This library allows to controll Matter compatible devices. Library uses asynchronous Rust and depends on Tokio. Following are main parts of api:
- Transport - Representation of IP/UDP transport. Binds to specified IP/port, allows to define virtual connections for remote destinations and demultiplexes incoming messages based on these connections.
- CertManager - Trait allowing to supply external certificate storage. Default implementation certmanager::FileCertManager stores certificates to specified directory in PEM format.
- Controller - Matter controller - uses Transport to send/receive messages, CertManager to get certificates. Allows to commission device, authenticate commissioned device. Authenticated device is represented by Connection which allows to read attributes and invoke commands.
- tlv - Module with simple matter tlv encoders and decoders which can be used to encode command parameters and decode complex responses.
- discover - simple mdns based discovery of matter devices on local network
Examples directory contains simple demo application and simple standalone examples on how to use APIs.
Example how to initialize certificate authority and create controller user - stores certificates in pem directory:
let fabric_id = 1000;
let controller_id = 100;
let cm = FileCertManager::new(fabric_id, "./pem");
Example how to commission device using certificates pre-created in pem directory:
let fabric_id = 1000;
let device_id = 300;
let controller_id = 100;
let pin = 123456;
let cm: Arc<dyn certmanager::CertManager> = certmanager::FileCertManager::load("./pem")?;
let transport = transport::Transport::new("").await?;
let controller = controller::Controller::new(&cm, &transport, fabric_id)?;
let connection = transport.create_connection("").await;
let mut connection = controller.commission(&connection, pin, device_id, controller_id).await?;
// commission method returns authenticated connection which can be used to send commands
// now we can send ON command:
connection.invoke_request(1, // endpoint
Example sending ON command to device which is already commissioned using certificates pre-created in pem directory:
let fabric_id = 1000;
let device_id = 300;
let controller_id = 100;
let cm: Arc<dyn certmanager::CertManager> = certmanager::FileCertManager::load("./pem")?;
let transport = transport::Transport::new("").await?;
let controller = controller::Controller::new(&cm, &transport, fabric_id)?;
let connection = transport.create_connection("").await;
let mut c = controller.auth_sigma(&connection, device_id, controller_id).await?;
// send ON command
c.invoke_request(1, // endpoint
// invoke SetLevel command to show how to supply command parameters
let tlv = tlv::TlvItemEnc {
tag: 0,
value: tlv::TlvItemValueEnc::StructInvisible(vec![
tlv::TlvItemEnc { tag: 0, value: tlv::TlvItemValueEnc::UInt8(50) }, // level
tlv::TlvItemEnc { tag: 1, value: tlv::TlvItemValueEnc::UInt16(1000)}, // transition time
tlv::TlvItemEnc { tag: 2, value: tlv::TlvItemValueEnc::UInt8(0) }, // options mask
tlv::TlvItemEnc { tag: 3, value: tlv::TlvItemValueEnc::UInt8(0) }, // options override
c.invoke_request(1, // endpoint
// read level
let result = c.read_request2(1,
println!("{:?}", result);
§simple rust matter protocol library
This is prototype of matter protocol library in rust (controller side).
It supports controller side of:
- PASE - passcode authenticated session establishment
- variant of spake 2+
- CASE - certificate authenticated session establishment
- variant of SIGMA
- Commisioning procedure
- sign and push certificates to device
- Basic interactions
- Read attribute
- Invoke command
This library expects that device is already reachable using IPV4 or IPV6. Bluetooth/BLE related communication is not yet supported. To control device which first requires commissioning using BLE, you must first commission using different controller (such as phone), then using that controller enable commissioning. For example in iphone/ios this is available under “enable pairing mode” in device settings in Home app. It will show “manual pairing code” which can be decoded to obtain commissioning pass code (see decode-manual-pairing-code bellow).
Use of demo application:
Compile demo application using cargo. Binary will be found usually in target/debug/examples/demo.
cargo build --example demo
demo application uses clap. use –help to learn all supported parameters
create CA certificates in directory pem:
./demo ca-bootstrap
create key/certificate for controller with id 100:
./demo ca-create-controller 100
discover all commissionable devices using mdns:
./demo discover commissionable --timeout 3
discover all commissioned devices using mdns:
./demo discover commissioned --timeout 3
if you have manual pairing code you can extract passcode from it using following command:
demo decode-manual-pairing-code 1577-384-0075
commission device (device ip address is, commissioning passcode is 123456, device id will be 300, device admin has id 100):
./demo commission 100 300 123456
update fabric label in device:
./demo command invoke-command-update-fabric-label --device-address --controller-id 100 --device-id 300 "testfabric"
example how to use read command to read any attribute. This example lists all provisioned fabrics by reading attribute 1(fabrics) from cluster 62 (operational credentials) from endpoint 0:
./demo command read --device-address --controller-id 100 --device-id 300 0 62 1
turn device on/off:
demo command invoke-command-on --device-address --controller-id 100 --device-id 300
demo command invoke-command-off --device-address --controller-id 100 --device-id 300
if you want to start from scratch remove directory pem
Other demo application flags:
- –verbose - enable verbose logs
- –local-address - specify local bind address for matter protocol. Format is ip:port. This is ip/port which is used as source address for matter UDP requests. Default is When IPV6 is used this must be changed for example to –local-address “[::]:5555”
- Handling of certificates in Matter format
- Handling of x509 certificate compatible with matter
- Certificate manager trait and default file based implementation
- Module with very simple mdns based discovery of matter devices. Usually application shall discover devices using these methods and filter according discriminator. This module tries to send mdns using ipv4 and ipv6 multicast at same time. If more control over discovery mechanism is required, it may be better to use some external mdns library.
- Very simple mdns client library
- Utilities to decode/encode matter tlv